All Art
- Black Moon XII$4,000.00 MXN
- La Despedida del Tiempo$16,000.00 MXN
- Frágil$28,000.00 MXN
- Color Studies 2022_Physichromie 001$34,800.00 MXN
- De Cerca III$9,000.00 MXN
- The Fall$16,600.00 MXN
- Repose$10,840.00 MXN
- Reclining Woman$10,840.00 MXN
- Post Opus II$15,400.00 MXN
- Penumbra$9,900.00 MXN
- Oysters In Springtime$10,840.00 MXN
- Mattel´s Alecto$11,640.00 MXN
- Magnolia$14,440.00 MXN
- Loves Me Not$13,000.00 MXN
- Labyrinth of Reflections$12,700.00 MXN
- Jester Without Costume$10,040.00 MXN
- Grapefruit$10,700.00 MXN
- Grape Jelly$10,700.00 MXN
- Garden Social II$11,500.00 MXN
- Fawn$11,240.00 MXN
- En Media Res$10,700.00 MXN
- Daiquiri$9,900.00 MXN
- Centaur$10,700.00 MXN
- Carmine Lake$9,500.00 MXN